Carlos Rivera

Walking In the Spirit: 40 Day Devotional
Rosalinda Rivera

Victor Torres Books
Why You Need The Holy Spirit
In nine small, compelling chapters, Victor Torres lays out the basics of the Holy Spirit displayed through you. “Why You Need the Holy Spirit” explains, in the plainest terms, the influence and evidence of the Holy Spirit from His powerful premiere at Pentecost to the present-day body of believers.
“Our part is to make ourselves available to the Spirit’s leading, and God will do the rest.” –Victor Torres
Reaching Your Addicted Loved One
Without pulling punches or promising easy answers, Victor provides wisdom and expertise that can lead you toward freedom. God did not create your loved one to be an addict or a loser. On the contrary, God created him or her for a better life. Although, for the moment, it may seem like you are losing your loved one, they still have a God-given destiny and a purpose. No matter how bad the picture may look now, there is always hope.
Victor is the true story of Victor Torres, who moved with his family from their native Puerto Rico to Brooklyn, New York, in search of a better life. Their American dream, however, quickly faded into a nightmare when young Victor was introduced to gang life on the New York streets. Within a few years, teenage Victor had set up a lucrative drug-trafficking business in an attempt to help his financially struggling family. But Victor quickly became enslaved by his own drug addiction, as his parents, Manuel and Lila, desperately searched to find a way to help their son. Through the persistent prayers of Victor’s mother and the ministry of David Wilkerson, Victor’s parents realized that a faith-based rehabilitation program was their last chance to rescue their son. After a series of personal tragedies, Victor experienced a life-altering encounter with the Lord that changed everything. In this companion book to the award-winning movie of the same name, Victor Torres himself takes you through his journey, from tragedy to triumph, a living example of the power of redemptive freedom found only in Christ.
Spirit Revolution
Equipping you to radically change your world from the inside out.
“Spirit Revolution” is a call to the brave who battle the bionic troubles of our world. The storms of sickness and sin are only overcome by God’s tsunami of grace with the power and person of God’s Holy Spirit working through us. There is a revival coming to the church. Today is your moment of renewal.
Now is the time for a Spirit Revolution!
Spirit Revolution- 60 Day Devotional
Based on the highly anticipated Spirit Revolution: Equipping You to Radically Change Your World from the Inside Out, this 60-day devotional by Victor Torres is an invitation and daily preparation for personal and church revival.
Complete with a note section for each inspirational teaching, you will identify and prepare for the unique ways the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon you. Put on the mantle through empowering and equipping of the Holy Spirit and take the Spirit Revolution to your family, neighborhood, and the world.
La Revolución del Espíritu
El Espíritu Santo es poderoso. También es personal y práctico. Nos guía, alienta, consuela, nos causa convicción y nos empodera para cambiarnos a nosotros mismos y al mundo que nos rodea. Víctor Torres te invita a estar poderosamente equipado para participar en esta Revolución del Espíritu aceptando todo lo que Dios quiere para que Su Espíritu esté en tu vida. Suelta las ideas cómodas y preconcebidas y déjate utilizar para resolver los problemas profundos y complicados de nuestra generación.
¿Estás listo para dejar que Dios lo haga a Su manera? ¡Ahora es el momento de una revolución espiritual!