
Global Missions

New Life's has many churches all over the world. The purpose of the Mission's Ministry is to reach those who are outside the walls of our Church with the message and the love of Jesus Christ. We do this by ministering to all we meet, including those who are unsaved, homeless, and incarcerated. Come make a difference with us and share in what God is doing around the world!

International Churches


New Life Outreach International churches are thriving in Ghana, Africa. Located in the capital city, Accra and in the surrounding area our churches make a tremendous impact to their communities.

  • Accra- Pastor Sebastian KariKari
  • Aburi
  • McCarthy Hill- Pastor Rosemond Baidoo
  • Takoradi


At V&C Academy over 250 children come together each day for school in Accra, Ghana. The school operates on the grounds of our first New Life Outreach church plant in Ghana. Also, on the church grounds is one of the few sources of clean, fresh water in the area. The well was established as a blessing for all in the community.


Located in João Pessoa, Brazil New Life Outreach Church- Brazil is growing and expanding each day. With a powerful outreach ministry to the youth they are changing lives for Jesus!

Pastor Adelzon Carlos De Azevedo

Local Missions

The heart of New Life is Outreach to our local community- reaching our neighbors next door with the love of Jesus.

Local Outreach

New Life For Adults and Youth

For over 50 years, New Life for Adults and Youth has been a place of hope for individuals struggling to overcome life-controlling problems such as drug and alcohol addiction. Founded by Victor and Carmen Torres in 1971, New Life for Adults and Youth stands as a beacon of hope for the tens of thousands of young men and women who have found transformation and healing through their program. 

The Hope Movement

The Hope Movement Van is a mobile ministry taking the love of Jesus to the streets. Come be a part of this vital ministry on Friday nights as we feed our homeless neighbors and provide vital resources and prayer.

The Mercy House

The Mercy House of New Life for Adults and Youth, provides a new beginning for women with broken lives. With care and compassion we work to restore dignity, heal from destructive behaviors, rebuild families, and train for a better future.